Friday, July 23, 2010

Multnomah Falls

Today was just beautiful out. I had the day off work and decided to head out about 45 mins north of Tualatin to Multnomah Falls. I can't tell you the height and all the details but it was breathtaking. LOTS of people had the same idea I did so navigating the narrow trail was a bit crowded and irritating, but the view was worth it. Had my IPod setting the mood with some Enya and I was happy as a clam. Found a resident chipmunk that came right up to me as I was taking one of several breathers on the way up. Gave him some of my granola bar and he shoved it in his cheeks haha. Cute little guy. View from the top was pretty amazing. I'd like to go back in the fall when the leaves have changed.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Oswego Lake House

Today was the first day of what should be my ideal work schedule. I worked a 4 hour day, got off at 3:00 and putzed around K-Mart before hunting for the ideal outdoor dining area to enjoy the last of the evening sun. I ended up at the Oswego Lake House about 10 mins from where I live. As you can see the scenery was beautiful and while the service was less than stellar, I couldn't have minded too much with that view. I had a burger and a brew and managed to keep my bill to $15, but that's the low end for this place. I'd return at a less crowded time and soak up the sun for a long lunch.

New blog. New adventures.

So I'm jumping on the blog wagon and starting my own. I've decided to explore what Oregon has to offer. I've been here a year and a half and really can't say that I've done all that much. I keep reminding myself of things I'd like to do this summer, and yet have not made the plans necessary. So, I am making it official. This summer is the start of experiencing new things, and some old in new settings. I'd like to share them with whomever is interested and just have a diary for myself. I have several things on my list, many of which I aspire to check off in the next coming months, and some which may linger a while longer. I'd also love to receive any suggestions you may offer. No limits. Well, maybe financial limits.

One thing I did to find new things to do was join a website called "Meetup." You can sign up for groups for anywhere and list your interests and groups you are wanting to attend. For instance I signed up for salsa dancing, volleyball, yoga, photography... pretty much anything I remotely like I can list and then search for groups based on my interests. I attended my first Meetup get-together tonight to play volleyball in NE Portland. I won't be going back due to the distance from my house and the beginner level play, but it was still fun. Meetup may lead me to a free outdoor Latin concert/dancing tomorrow night. Stay tuned!